
Easter Goes Digtial

Many families throughout the world will be turning to technology to communicate with their loved ones over the Easter period. The power of technology has enabled us to stay in touch with friends and family, which we are now using more than ever. I understand that not everyone will be able to take advance of these breakthroughs in tech, and my thoughts are with the families who are struggling most during this time.

This means that for the rest of us, we have to be eternally grateful for a couple of the simple things that we have in our lives.

By staying at home, not only are we protecting other peoples health, but we are safe at home. Something we all take for granted. Every time we walk through our doors and lock them behind us, I doubt it crosses our mind about how much protection we get from this small action.

Being able to pick up a phone; call that friend or family member to say hello. Talk about what's new and essentially show our love is something I overlook. We are even able to see the smile on their faces, witness their contagious laugh and blow them a kiss or two.

Life has changed for all of us. We understand the reasons why and we know that normality will return. Easter goes digital this year and we need to embrace this time more than usual. So make that call, FaceTime your parents, use WhatsApp, Messenger & SnapChat to say hi to your friends. Send them your Easter wishes, show them your love.

I and everyone at The Slipper Box wish you a very Happy Easter... digitally.


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