Summer's Not Over, It's Just Different

This month we launched our brand new website and we hope you all enjoy its new features and new products. That's right, it's the time of year we're all used to putting on our sandals and heading on holiday. However, this year will be a little different.

Nevertheless, that hasn't stopped us from providing you with a great selection of sandals and espadrilles for your summer in the garden, at the local park or beach. Social distancing, obviously.

Although the holiday season looks like it's not happening this year, fear not. The British Isles is blessed with beautiful scenery and landscapes, and while we have this glorious weather, we cannot complain. Visiting these places we often miss out on because we're too busy booking our next trip to Lanzarote or Lake Garda.

So fire up the search engine and search for the beauty spots near you. Or maybe explore and find a hidden gem whilst cycling through the country lanes. Wherever this summer takes you, have a good one and perhaps enjoy it even more in some new sandals.

Keep safe,



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